Primary Kupffer Cells

Microscopic view of kupffer cells

Primary Kupffer cells (PKC) are specialized macrophage residents in the liver, lining the walls of the sinusoids. Primary Kupffer cells are part of the immune system and can be activated to produce inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and reactive oxygen species.

Furthermore, PKC are part of the first line of defense against bacteria and toxins from the gut and perform an efficient uptake of senescence red blood cells in the blood vessel for the transfer of iron to hepatocytes. In addition, powerful lysosomal enzymes are found in Kupffer cells and as a result, many substances that are ingested and partially degraded by them are passed on to hepatocytes, thus performing key functions in the liver.

Primary Kupffer Cells are a valuable research tool for studying liver resident macrophages in fields such as immunology, drug metabolism, and toxicity testing. We offer a variety of Primary Kupffer Cells isolated from healthy human liver tissue donors and conduct comprehensive characterization to ensure optimal performance in vitro. Our rigorous two-phase approach includes determining cell number per vial, viability, and cell seeding density, as well as testing for specific markers using flow cytometry.



Primary Kupffer Cells provides researchers with a high-quality tool to study the role of these important liver resident macrophages in various fields such as immunology, drug metabolism, and toxicity testing. BeCytes Kupffer Cells are isolated from healthy human liver tissue donors and undergo rigorous quality control testing to ensure optimal performance in vitro.

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