Human Liver Endothelial Cells

liver endothelial cells

The two types of endothelial liver cells are vascular (LEC) and sinusoidal (LSEC).

Human hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) are specialized liver endothelial cells with high permeability and endocytosis capacity, which line the sinusoid and separate blood cells from hepatocytes and stellate cells.

Liver human endothelial cells (LEC) and Liver Endothelial sinusodial cells (LSEC) represent the primary permeable barrier in blood vessels making them highly dynamic cells that regulate the passage of substances between the bloodstream and liver tissue.
Ref. Product Packaging
HuLEC/LSEC-P1 Liver endothelial & sinusoidal cells (LEC – LSEC) passage 1 100.000
HuLEC/LSEC-P1 Liver endothelial & sinusoidal cells (LEC – LSEC) passage 2 100.000
HuLEC/LSEC-P1 Liver endothelial & sinusoidal cells (LEC – LSEC) passage 2 100.000

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